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Articles on Microsoft technologies and design, the innovative company founded by Bill Gates.

Published on 1/19/2012
Categories: Web Design
A infographic sample with ASP.NET

Let's try to create a simple infographic starting from an XML file containing data about the carbon dioxide emissions in Europe.

To position the data on a map, we have to add the latitude and longitude fields for each european country (we have not to be precise).

To use the data we have to load them into an XML data source, using the System.Xml.XmlDataSource object, but the problem is that the object wants the record fields specified as node attributes.

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Published on 12/24/2011
Categories: Web & Apps
How to clear the SqlDataSource cache

The SqlDataSource.EnableCaching property allows to save the results of a specific database query.
When the caching is activated, if you reset EnableCaching to false, the query result is not retrieved from the cache anymore but it's re-executed every time.
But surprisingly, if you reset EnableCaching to true again, the data is retrieved from the old cache.

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Published on 10/23/2011
Categories: Web Design
Style sheets caching problems

Microsoft IIS caches all the style sheets that are placed inside the App_Themes folder, remembering the ones that are used by the web site pages (by all pages, not only the current one); the effect is easily visible looking at the HTML code sent to the client, noting that are included CSS links that were not specified for the page.
This behavior requires a strong attention on styles inheritance, but also can make Internet Explorer versions prior to the 9 to overflow the maximum number of style tags allowed: in these versions the maximum number of style tags is 32 and all the following ones are ignored.

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