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Prendere uno smanettone del software degli anni 80, aggiungere un graphic designer di nuova generazione e allungare il tutto con uno studioso di strategie di marketing. Agitare energicamente e si ottiene il blog Idea R.

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Pubblicato il 2/23/2012
Categorie: Branding
IBM, Apple and Microsoft: a semiotics analysis

The purpose of a brand is to tell a story, creating recognizable codes: the style identifies the brand, while the code is used to establish the communication. The target is to not go wrong with the dress (the code) for a specific party (the style). The maximum that a brand can get is when the designer accomplices to build the party on the dress.

Let's take a look on how three IT bigs made war upon each other, using communication codes and semiotics.

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Pubblicato il 1/19/2012
Categorie: Siti Web
A infographic sample with ASP.NET

Let's try to create a simple infographic starting from an XML file containing data about the carbon dioxide emissions in Europe.

To position the data on a map, we have to add the latitude and longitude fields for each european country (we have not to be precise).

To use the data we have to load them into an XML data source, using the System.Xml.XmlDataSource object, but the problem is that the object wants the record fields specified as node attributes.

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