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      Idea R - Gli altri sanno chi sei? Progetta la tua identità grafica


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Pubblicato il 5/1/2012
Categorie: Pubblicità
Durex, preservatives for creatives
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Durex launches a worldwide contest between creatives, to design packages that go beyond the usual sunsets or romantic couples holding hands. In Milan during Design Week, Durex exhibits along the hot districts of the event, five huge boxes designed by IED (European Institute of Design) students. The works demonstrate exceptional capabilities of illustration, but nonetheless a creative imagination: we liked so much the Plexiglas covered box with a sign "to use in case of hot situation."

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Fotografo: Igor De Ruitz
Pubblicato il 4/21/2012
Milano Design Week 2012, Design Districts

Being in Milan these days means feeling the fresh air that envelops creativeness.
Despite the institutional event is the Salone del Mobile in Milan Rho Fair, it is the city streets that we live innovation: entire neighborhoods transformed into workshops and showcases on international design.

The Fuorisalone has become so well known that the big manufacturers aspire to attend more in the city area (see Porta Genova or Brera) rather than at the fair. There is still room for the young creative independents that rent disused garages or old warehouses to exhibit their works, for example in the Lambrate area.

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