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Prendere uno smanettone del software degli anni 80, aggiungere un graphic designer di nuova generazione e allungare il tutto con uno studioso di strategie di marketing. Agitare energicamente e si ottiene il blog Idea R.


Pubblicato il 10/21/2021
Categorie: Applicazioni Web
[Free App] EasySteel: the vacuum heat treatments calculator

EasySteel is a free application, for mobile and desktop devices, useful for creating steel recipes using vacuum heat treatments.

Beyond the fact that it is a very niche application, it is still an opportunity to discover the world of PWAs (Progressive Web App).
A PWA is a hybrid and innovative technology for develop mobile applications, compatible with all smartphones, tablets and even PCs.
The great thing is that all this is achieved at a much lower cost than traditional development tools.

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Categorie: SEO
[Free eBook] 50+ tips for getting first on search engines and overtake the competition

In this free eBook I have collected 10 years of experience in website design and search engine optimization.

Learn how to avoid frequent coding and copywriting mistakes that can compromise your positioning on search engines.
Improve your website security for maximum Google compliance.
Get tons of new visitors by improving their user experience.

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Categorie: Siti Web
Metalworking industry: how to multiply customers using only the website and zero advertising budget

I have been developing and optimizing websites for the metalworking industry for 10 years and I have often seen how this resource is underestimated and used incorrectly.
A well-designed website can bring many customers to a B2B company in the manufacturing sector, many more customers than all the fairs and agents put together.
And above all spending much less or nothing.

In this article I’ll make you aware of the huge opportunities out there waiting for you and subsequently I’ll show you how to create a well-conceived platform for acquiring online customers.
If you follow all the directions you may be able to triple quote requests, while reducing your advertising budget by 90%.

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Pubblicato il 9/23/2019
Categorie: SEO
A simple but effective SEO strategy: the middleman

The SEO (search engine optimization) trick called "the middleman" solves a very common problem in corporate websites with excellent results.
I myself applied it many times and I always got it great results in a short time.

I recommend you to implement the middleman SEO strategy as soon as possible, it will allow you to make the most of your company blog and you will find indexed in a short time pages that you never thought you would ever see in the top positions of search engines.

I will show you two ways to apply this SEO strategy, one manual and one fully automatic.

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Pubblicato il 7/9/2012
Ultimo aggiornamento 5/2/2019
Categorie: Web Marketing
[FREE download] Keywords Mixer: long tail keywords made easy

The first step when creating a web marketing strategy is to identify all the search keywords your potential visitors may use to reach you.
The next step is to identify the phrases that may be built using the previous keywords, narrowing down all the combinations.

Google AdWords gives you the chance to write down broad match phrases, letting it to create synonyms, related searches and other relevant variations.

I don't like this approach because it doesn't give me total control on the SERP (Search Engine Result Page); rather I prefer to base my SEM (Search Engine Marketing) project on phrase matches and exact matches. This is absolutely the more accurate approach, but it can be an annoying task since there’re hundreds of combinations and variations to consider... let me correct the last sentence, it WAS an annoying task, because now with our completely free Keywords Mixer and its simple integration with your preferred search engine, you can generate all your precise search long tail keywords in just one click.

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