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      Idea R - Do your competitors are always ahead? - Raise your voice with web marketing!


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Published on 12/4/2014
Categories: SEO
Tags: Google, Mobile, Bing
Not mobile friendly? Your ranking is going to precipitate!

Recently both Google and Bing have made an important announcement that will affect websites that are not optimized for mobile devices.
Even if your website is able to adapt to all screen sizes, this article could still affect you very closely.

Discover what are the important news and perform a quick test to see if you're ready for the new search engines results.

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Published on 11/14/2014
Categories: Social Media
Tags: Facebook
Why doesn't Facebook show your new great post to your page fans?

You have done it perfectly!
You have written a great post, you published it on Facebook with a perfect headline and an attracting call to action.
Your page has 5000 fans, but the post is displayed only to 20 of them and you get barely one like.

What's wrong?!

Here's the explanation. Not a useless list of engaging best practices, but the real explanation.
Let's see what's happening inside Facebook mind and take the countermeasures...

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Published on 10/5/2014
Categories: Social Media
How to make your website look great on social media

Posting links on social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc..) its a daily practice, usually blog articles, new products or a description of your professional services.
The problem is that often these links look graphically disappointing, so they catch very few visitors.

I promise you that after reading this article the appearance of your links will no longer be left to chance, you will have full control over the images and descriptive texts.

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Published on 7/31/2014
Categories: Web Design
How to fix your ASP.NET site to be responsive on Windows Phone

There is a well-known bug on Internet Explorer 10 for WIndows Phone 8 that avoids responsive web sites to display correctly. The cause is that Internet Explorer 10 doesn't differentiate device width from viewport width, and thus doesn't properly apply the media queries in your favorite responsive CSS framework.
You can find many fixes on the client side, but if you're using ASP.NET, you have the chance to fix it server side with only few lines of code.

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