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Take a software geek from the 80s, add a new generation graphic designer and dilute with a longtime marketing strategist. Shake vigorously and you'll get the Idea R's blog.

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Published on 3/28/2013
Categories: Social Media
How to dramatically increase social media LIKEs to your web site

In this article we're going to talk about content lockers, I'll give you the know-how to create one yourself and at the end you'll have the chance to download the JavaScript/jQuery sources and implement it rapidly.

Content lockers were born as an annoying tool for web marketing affiliations: in a nutshell, if you have a blog followed by a large audience, a franchisor might pay you to partially block contents until the reader performs an action, for example compiling a survey or subscribing to a business newsletter. It 'a hateful practice, but generates discete income for many bloggers.

What I propose you is a soft social media content locker, to use with caution and wisdom.

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Published on 2/23/2012
Categories: Branding
IBM, Apple and Microsoft: a semiotics analysis

The purpose of a brand is to tell a story, creating recognizable codes: the style identifies the brand, while the code is used to establish the communication. The target is to not go wrong with the dress (the code) for a specific party (the style). The maximum that a brand can get is when the designer accomplices to build the party on the dress.

Let's take a look on how three IT bigs made war upon each other, using communication codes and semiotics.

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