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Take a software geek from the 80s, add a new generation graphic designer and dilute with a longtime marketing strategist. Shake vigorously and you'll get the Idea R's blog.

< 2014

Published on 10/23/2011
Categories: Web Design
Style sheets caching problems

Microsoft IIS caches all the style sheets that are placed inside the App_Themes folder, remembering the ones that are used by the web site pages (by all pages, not only the current one); the effect is easily visible looking at the HTML code sent to the client, noting that are included CSS links that were not specified for the page.
This behavior requires a strong attention on styles inheritance, but also can make Internet Explorer versions prior to the 9 to overflow the maximum number of style tags allowed: in these versions the maximum number of style tags is 32 and all the following ones are ignored.

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Photographer: Igor De Ruitz
Source: Andata/Ritorno
Published on 6/13/2006
Categories: Photography
Tags: Publications
Venice - The libertine carnival
Not everybody knows that the most ancient carnival of the world is instead Italian, and it’s the up-till-now famous Carnevale di Venezia: the oldest Venetian document that references it, it’s dated 2nd May 1268 (more than 2 centuries before the discovery of the Americas). At that time, Venice was definitely the most amusing place of Europe, the carnival in fact lasted even 3 months; Venice was also in a certain sense, the most democratic place, the mask allowed everyone, also the low classes, to mix with the noble rank, protected by their disguises.

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