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Take a software geek from the 80s, add a new generation graphic designer and dilute with a longtime marketing strategist. Shake vigorously and you'll get the Idea R's blog.

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Tutorials on graphic design, advertising, photography, software development, web design, web marketing, web analytics and social media strategies.

Published on 12/11/2012
Categories: Web & Apps
ASP.NET 301 permanent redirects: the best solution

Have you changed your domain and don't want to loose your SEO page rankings?
Do you have renamed a page and don't want to return errors to users that have saved a bookmark?
You have to perform a 301 permanent redirect to the new page/site.

There are plenty of methods to perform this, if you Google the question you'll be submerged by the answers.
Curiously the easiest method doesn't come out first.

...read all the article.

Published on 11/22/2012
Categories: Web Design
jQuery: how to throw and handle custom events

We've already seen in a previous article how to manage JavaScript events.
jQuery simplifies but most of all uniforms the JavaScript events engine with 2 simple methods: bind() for events subscription and trigger() to fire them.

Events are not only a prerogative of standard DOM (Document Object Model) objects, your custom objects can throw events too, event if they aren't DOM objects.

...read all the article.

Published on 7/17/2012
Categories: Web Analytics
Internal campaigns with Google Analytics and .NET AdRotator
An internal campaign banner is one that points to the same site it is contained in, for example you may advertise for one of your products while the user is looking at another one.
For banners hosted in external sites the best way to collect statistics is to use UTM (Urchen Tracking Module) query parameters: Google Analytics can automatically collect and group this type of data.
On the other side, the UTM approach is not good for internal campaigns, because when mixed with external ones, it compromises the analysis: try to imagine what happens if a user clicks on an external banner, then in an internal one and finally she makes a conversion. Which is the cause and which is the effect?

...read all the article.

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