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Published on 3/28/2013
Categories: Social Media
How to dramatically increase social media LIKEs to your web site

In this article we're going to talk about content lockers, I'll give you the know-how to create one yourself and at the end you'll have the chance to download the JavaScript/jQuery sources and implement it rapidly.

Content lockers were born as an annoying tool for web marketing affiliations: in a nutshell, if you have a blog followed by a large audience, a franchisor might pay you to partially block contents until the reader performs an action, for example compiling a survey or subscribing to a business newsletter. It 'a hateful practice, but generates discete income for many bloggers.

What I propose you is a soft social media content locker, to use with caution and wisdom.

...read all the article.

Published on 12/11/2012
Categories: Web & Apps
ASP.NET 301 permanent redirects: the best solution

Have you changed your domain and don't want to loose your SEO page rankings?
Do you have renamed a page and don't want to return errors to users that have saved a bookmark?
You have to perform a 301 permanent redirect to the new page/site.

There are plenty of methods to perform this, if you Google the question you'll be submerged by the answers.
Curiously the easiest method doesn't come out first.

...read all the article.

Published on 1/1/2012
Categories: Web Design
Tags: CSS, HTML, Tutorials
Dropdown menus with CSS

The dropdown menus can be easily created with CSS.
Either horizontal or vertical menus are built using unordered list, that is ul. The dropdown feature is created combining the hover pseudoclass along with the visibility property of nested lists.
The following example shows a horizontal menu where the items expand downward.

...read all the article.

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